Commissioners thank county employees

  • Photo by Grant Durr
    Photo by Grant Durr

The Hart County Board of Commissioners had a remarkably short meeting on April 23–barely nine minutes. With no invited guests or department heads and no old business to discuss, the BOC used the bulk of the meeting to promote the ribbon cutting at the new Hart County Jail next week and thank county employees for their hard work, before entering executive session.

County Administrator Terrell Partain noted the ribbon cutting for the new jail will be April 29 at 3 p.m., with the open house immediately following to last until 7 p.m.

“We’ve sat and met on this, and it’s becoming a reality now, with all the work everyone’s put in it. I know Terrell and Kim [Higginbotham, county attorney] have been working on it a tremendous amount and we appreciate those efforts,” Chairman Marshall Sayer stated during his report. “I know the people of the county have been asking for it for a long time and the grand jury has been asking for it for a long time…If you’ve got time, come out and see where your tax money has been spent.”

Commissioner Michael Bennett similarly highlighted the work of county employees, including law enforcement, fire department, and EMS, with Commissioner Frankie Teasley echoing his sentiments.

“Those people out there work hard,” Commissioner Bennett said. “The county just wouldn’t function without it.”

“We do have a lot of county employees that go above and beyond, especially those in emergency services who put their lives on the line,” Commissioner Joey Dorsey added. “They don’t get thanked enough. It takes a lot, and we’ve got a good group.

Commissioner Jeff Brown encouraged the county to stay updated through the Chamber of Commerce’s website ( on additional upcoming events open to the public.

The next BOC meeting will be May 14 at 6 p.m.